Saturday 20 June 2009

hay meadow

Last night our visitors found more orchids in a different field. These appear to be Common Spotted rather than Heath Spotted, which is odd as I would have thought that where they are growing is more acid than where the Heath Spotted are. I have also noticed Ragged Robin dotted here and there. It is appearing well away, and uphill, from its original site in a boggy patch by the stream. It is fascinating to see how the flora is responding to the change in management from summer grazing to hay meadow.

Like many places we have had lots of Painted Lady butterflies this year, and now the Meadow Browns are just beginning to appear, just in time for the thistles which are coming to bud. I spent quite a while recently trying to creep up on Painted Ladies, (insect variety), in an attempt to get a picture. How jumpy they are, so no pics!

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