Friday 7 May 2010

Long time no write!

It has taken me 3 years and lots of attempts this season to get a pic of kingcups that I'm sort of pleased with. Their wonderful glossy petals reflect the light so much. Tried pics on both sunny and dull days. This pic taken with me sinking into mud half way up my wellies. Very pleased with this patch of plants, gone from about half a dozen 5 or 6 years ago to the most lovely patch of gold. That is just the pressure of grazing cattle taken away. For the sake of ensuring that this population is safe in 2009 I took divisions of several plants and placed them in another boggy patch upstream, not a thing I am usually in favour of.

Wood Anemone

Essence of Spring.

Close up!

In complete contrast one of my lovely vulgar parrot tulips!

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